Udall continues to believe that to hold unemployment benefits and middle class tax cuts as ransom for a giveaway on the estate tax and extra taxpayer-funded bonuses for multimillionaires and billionaires is wrong, and he still has serious concerns with ... Thank you Senator Bingaman for thinking about the fiscal future of this country and not just what is the quick and easy thing to do. Bingaman (D-NM) Brown (D-OH) Coburn (R-OK) DeMint (R-SC) Ensign (R-NV) Feingold (D-WI) ...
Fredric Galmish III and Cecelia S. Galmish to James P. McIntrye and Dorothy C. McIntyre, Jefferson district, Ivy Hill, $230000. Scott A. Heath and Emmett G. Mitchell to Jesse L. Severson and Joann Severson, Lot 3, Gladdy Branch Estates, ...
Democratic congressman bHeath/b Shuler's district, but it's marginal for liberalism these days because of Obama. Strong Tea Party there. . JDK April 25th, 2010 - 1:49 pm. Pravda is a better source for ?news? than most of the MSM here. I'm not joking. b..../b Flying all over the country and throughout the world?taking bvacation/b after bvacation/b?all the while destroying our economy and our paychecks by using the money we have to give to the government foolishly! ...